Category Archives: college

Eine kurze Neuausgabe

Just a quick update on my current situation. Tomorrow I begin my final exams (Klausur) and I really do not know what to expect. I have spent horribly long stretches in the the library trying to prepare as much as possible. For close to three weeks I have been gathering notes. Unlike at UW – Oshkosh, where tests are giving during the course of the semester and homework reinforces what you have learned, everything depends on these exams. To be frankly honest, I do not believe I will perform well. Just as I got into the swing of how things worked it was time to brace for exams. If I could stay another semester, I am sure I would do much better. The one class that I prepare the most for is Grammatik des Deutschen. If the Probeklausur (preview exam) was any indication of what to expect I will be lucky to answer a paltry number of questions.

It has been raining for the past three weeks straight in Marburg. The bad weather has really had a negative affect on… well everything really. Luckily this weekend the sky cleared up for the huge festival that went on. I really needed a break from the grind. The copious amount of bratwurst, beer, and even dragon boat races was a nice break. But looming overall was the imprisonment in the library. On cue the clouds returned on Monday, just as all the booths cleared out, and the sky opened up. I have been here at the university library working on my notes for close to 6 hours. Lather rinse and repeat for the next week or so. It is getting to the point where my biggest obstacle is not the exam, but my own apathy.
My flight back to the United States will be on July 26. The flight is about 8 hours long, but I will be arriving in Chicago very shortly after I left Germany due to the time zone difference. I will be working for the UW-Oshkosh Maintenance Crew for the month of August and subleasing from a friend. I look forward to Taco Bell, Diet Mt. Dew, and shutting my brain off for a month.

Ein trauriger historischer Ort

Last February I had a chance to see a Holocaust survivor Henry Golde speak about his experiences in a number of Konzentrationsläger including one near my destination. This weekend I will be in beautiful Weimar, Thüringia, which was once part of the former Deutsche Demokratische Republik. It has been my goal to visit one of the camps and I am making it a point to do so during this visit. KL-Buchenwald is 10 km from the center of the city. It was here that the notorious “Hexe von Buchenwald” Ilse Koch collected the skins with tattoos of camp victims.

Expect dramatic photos on Monday.

The Winner is Kaela

It is coming to be that time of year again for the UW-Oshkosh Department of Residence Life! It is the time of year where despite the ever increasing end of semester workload Res-Life decides to get together to throw the biggest event of the year. That’s right! The End of Year Banquet!


Let me get right down to brass tax. Kaela Lindquist should win Programming Assistant of the year and here is why.

  1. She does a much better job running the Stewart Hall desk than I ever did. Let us not forget the disastrous Summer Stewart Regime of 2005.
  2. She not only manages the Stewart Hall desk, but also the Evans Hall desk.
  3. Have you ever met some of the people who live in Stewart? Anyone who can train desk workers to field massive idiocy on an epidemic scale deserves the award.
  4. Have you ever met some of the people who live in Evans? Anyone who can train desk workers to field freshman and sophmore idiocy on an epidemic scale deserves the award.
  5. She has Jedi-like precognition skills in anticipating problems even before desk workers complain or ask.
  6. She gives me the left over nacho cheese that can’t be sold, but isn’t quite expired yet.
  7. She was trained by the best. AB yeah yeah!
  8. Ask yourself, “When has Kaela ever been late?”
  9. Ask yourself, “When has Kaela ever missed a meeting?”
  10. Ask yourself, “Am I violating Ken’s copyright if I copy this text verbatim into the nomination form?” (Answer: No.)
  11. She punctually files paperwork like its her job.
  12. Not only does she balance her work load, classes, and personal life with style and grace, but she also may be canonized as a saint for dating a totally meat-headed buffoon.

Having former coworkers who have won significant awards (e.g. Summer Hudson, Dana Blado, Jamie Mendralla, Nick Cisler, etcetera…) and living exemplar of Res-Life mediocrity, I am more than qualified to point out from the sidelines what a real canditate for such an honor is. Thank you.


Austauschstudent bedeutet bezahlen

Just to give you a rundown of current costs of my study abroad. Bear in mind that the US dollar is trading at around .75 to 1 Euro. All prices listed are in Euros unless marked otherwise.

  • 170/month for rent
  • 170 Rent deposit
  • 60 Student visa application fee
  • 5 Photos for visa application
  • 100 Sprachkurs deposit fee (May be refunded, but we’ll see.)
  • 150 additional Sprachkurs fee (Might not have to pay if deposit is refunded.)
  • 10 U-Card
  • 10 Copycard
  • 180 Semester tuition (That is correct.)
  • 270 (US) Plane ticket
  • 210 (US) Insurance
  • 100 Frankfurt hostel stay for three nights
  • 30 (est) Transport around Frankfurt
  • 80 (est) Entertainment in Frankfurt
  • 30 RMV pass for March
  • 50 Student RMV pass for semester beginning in April
  • 25 Registration fee
  • 25 Trip fee for April
  • 14 Wrong ticket purchased to Marburg
  • 19 Right ticket purchased to Marburg
  • 100 Various living amenities
  • 35 Toiletries/houseware
  • 35 Cell-phone
  • 25 Calling plan
  • 40 Various mistakes made

This does not include daily costs for food, various minor school related purchases, and entertainment. Nor does it include items that I am certain to have forgotten. These past two weeks I have been bleeding money. Thankfully things have stabilised as I have figured out my surroundings a little better.

Ü-tag + 6

I was able to talk to my neighbor Stefan who runs the internet service for my floor. For only 7 Euro I get faster internet service than at Oshkosh. I’ve begun to upload photos on Flickr and will follow it with detailed accounts later. I just had to take some time to catch up with the rest of the world.

My address here is:

Ken Fager
Wehrda B
Ernst-Lemmer-Strasse 15
35041 Marburg, Zimmer-Nr. 01-16
Bis später dann, Tchüss!

The Cost of Education

For those of you who don’t know I went to a private parochial school until 8th grade. St. Paul Lutheran’s graduating class of 1998 had only nine people. Two years of preschool, one year of kindergarten, and eight years of private education gave me a significant leg up in public high school. It was painfully obvious among my peers that I had not gone to public school. Those 11 years of private education set me apart and I’m sure my parents are more than happy with their investment. Private education does not come cheap, but its gains are exponential. It came as a bit of a shock when I began to achieve in the 3.4 – 4.0 GPA range in college when all during high school I had a persistent 2.3 GPA. I now appreciate the sacrifices made by my parents as I am preparing to become a public school teacher. But education is not all about reading, writing, and arithmetic as an essential portion comes from interacting with the world around you. It is time for me to put my German education into practice this coming March until August.

In Germany I plan to absorb as much of the country, its people, and its culture as possible. It is my intention to update my site as often as I can. I want to chronicle my experiences along the way. I assure you that many will involve my adjusting to German customs and embarrassing situations I got into. Along the way I plan on taking hundreds of photos and posting them to my account. But in order for these experiences to occur I require funding. Thusly it is with reservation that I request a small donation from you.

My current financial situation is as follows. I have paid for tuition and have money set aside for airfare housing, food, and insurance. The $1000 grant from the Wisconsin government has been allotted to the payment of these things. My parents have set aside an account to help pay for other items I will need. I have been working 3rd shift at Festival Foods in Oshkosh to try to scrounge up funding for my trip. Currently I am scheduled for only 24 hours/week, but Festival has been cutting my hours. The week of January 15 – 21 I am only scheduled for 16 hours and those shifts are guaranteed to be cut short. Rent alone for February will be approximately $400, not to mention food and other costs. Any additional savings earned for my trip will not last very long.

The cost of an education is not just tuition. It includes all of the minor payments along the way. What does a small donation afford? It gives me the chance to eat a government-subsidized meal in “Mensa” with other German students. I can send a letter to my girlfriend that contains a German chocolate bar to help stem her feelings of being alone, even if only for a minute. I can travel via the Intercontinental Express to Berlin, Vienna, and Frankfurt to absorb all of the museums. I can grab my backpack and venture to the Dachau concentration camp and pay homage to the fallen. I can purchase daily necessities such as razors, shampoo, and most importantly, soap. I can venture to the Eckkneipe and order an Oktoberfest Spaten Bier with my German friends. It gives me enough scratch to purchase coffee at 3am as I translate a load of homework as a full-time student. In going about all of these activities I will experience firsthand what some textbooks only describe. I will learn the language necessary to function and in doing so improve my future prospects of being a German teacher.

Your small donation can be received directly through PayPal. PayPal is the internet’s most secure method of sending money. I have been using it to handle all of my eBay buying and selling transactions. In the five years of using it I have never had a problem where the security of my credit card or checking account has been compromised. All you need to do is click the PayPal link below to begin. Once you make a donation an e-mail notification will be sent to me. You don’t even have to sign up for PayPal. It is just that easy… and thank you.

Operation Übertaco is a Go

A letter from Philipps-Universitaet arrived a few days ago officially stating that I am now enrolled for the 2007 Sommersemester. From March until August this year I will be updating my site in the beautiful college city of Marburg. I was originally anticipating an April departure date. Prior to the semester beginning there will be a short language course teaching “survival” German. Thank you to all who guided me along the way.

The next two months are now filled with paperwork and preparation. I am also in dire need of someplace cheap to stay for the month of February in Oshkosh. Any help would be greatly appreciated as my contract to live in Stewart Hall will expire in January. On the bright side, however, I have been able to find plane fare to Frankfurt for only $270. This is much cheaper than the wallet scraping $1100 I had originally found.

I’m American ergo Lazy

I was supposed to create this wonderful audio recording for the fourth and final post for my Education Technology 325 course. That isn’t going to happen for two reasons. The first excuse being that I do not have time. I am not just using finals week as an excuse. The compelling drive to create content worthy of instructing others would drive me to spend hours perfecting each detail. I would want to do it right. For my German phonetics course I spent hours redoing recorded exams rejecting ones that just didn’t make the cut. The second excuse is merely a matter of technological preference. I would much rather play internet typewriter.

What did I learn this semester in Education Technology 325? It is with respect towards the instructor when I give him my honest answer. I learned nothing. In all fairness let me be more accurate. I learned nothing about computers. I came into the class knowing more about Mac OSX and its applications than your average student. What I did learn a great deal about, however, is how technology creates a caste system among students. This social order consists of those who know and those who do not. When teaching the content of a technology course the playing field is leveled between an instructor and some students. It is a rare opportunity for the instructor to use the expert knowledge of a student to instruct the class.

Technology presents a unique challenge compared to other content areas. Core content in math, science, and literature has remained relatively static in the past twenty years. The Pythagorean theorem still states that in any right triangle, the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse (the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of areas of the squares whose sides are the two legs (i.e. the two sides other than the hypotenuse). I’ll just skip Einstein’s theories and Shakespeare’s literature for the sake of time. Technology in the past twenty years has moved too fast for the development of a unified theory on how to approach the content. By the time the experts come to agreement it is too late. Educators are not only going to have to instruct themselves, but also accept the possibility that someone in their class may have a better answer.

I can say with great certainty that the content of Education Technology is going to change in five years. The hardware, programs, and content of the course will not be identical to this semester. What will remain constant is the caste system among the students and the paltry return from selling the textbook back to the campus bookstore.

If you have not gathered by now this is the fourth and final blog post for Education Technology 325. It has been a good run.

Thank You Tax Payers

A thanks goes out to Wisconsin tax payers. Even though the current legislators have cut millions from the UW system in the past few years making it extremely difficult for future teachers to graduate, I gladly accept the $1000 grant you have bestowed toward my education. This will pay for me to fly to Germany. Thank you.