Spotted on the UW-Oshkosh campus behind a street sign.
The Temple of Massage
Taco Zeitgeist
Taco Zeitgeist
Taco Zeitgeist
System 7 Connected
I can’t believe it actually worked, but it did.
This is a screenshot of my pet project from the last month. It is an Apple Powerbook 520c from 1995 running System 7. Finding the hardware to connect it to the internet was the easy part. Making the software actually work was another thing entirely. But, low and behold, I’ve been able to make it work. The fact that AOL’s instant messenger still works on a 13 year old machine with modern computers is pretty amazing.
Special thanks goes out to Dan Palka’s amazing resource
Taco Zeitgeist
Taco Zeitgeist
Taco Zeitgeist
Parenting 101: No.
Yesterday I stopped at a Country Kitchen to eat dinner on the way back to Oshkosh. While flipping through the menu I came across this breakfast abomination. No wonder childhood obesity and diabetes rates are skyrocketing.