FedUp with FedEx Part V

The Public Relations Department at FedEx received my tersely worded mountain of diabtribe. In response to their gross incompetence FedEx apologizes for the trouble I had using their shipping certificates. However, in typical American fashion, FedEx neither fully admits or fully apologizes for the sequence of events. They state that it was the responsibility of their local representatives to follow the terms of the certificate. They attempt to diminish the blow by writing in closing:

“Mr. Fager, not as compensation, but as a gesture of goodwill… an American Express gift cheque is enclosed…”

For the $40 in worthless FedEx shipping certificates I returned, they sent me $50, which I can use anywhere. What am I going to do with this small fortune? Purchase the domain rights to kenfager.com for another few years. That way this piece of FedEx garbage keeps floating around the interwebs for others to read.

The moral of the story is that people who can read and write are extremely difficult to manipulate. Go to school. Read a book. Write a letter.

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