Category Archives: genius

The Intricacies of English

Prefixes are additions to root words that change the meaning of the word. In English these prefixes are not uniform in their alteration of meaning. For example take the prefix “in-.” In- can have both positive and negative connotations. Add in- to the word “credible” and you have incredible, which carries a positive connotation. Add in- to the word “competent” and you have incompetent, which carries a negative connotation.

This is what I think of when I am bored.

The Winning Streak Continues

I just received an e-mail from about their Ubuntu Linux Sticker Contest. According to the results I took sixth place. Not bad for a contest that sends you free stickers to enter, mess up people’s Windows machines by placing said stickers on the computer, and a free beer stein for placing sixth. Below is my entry.

It runs Ubuntu.

Yes, this GE economy toaster runs one of the finest free Linux distributions. Now if only I could install it on my girlfriend…

Holloween Rocks

My Darth Vader helmet came in today after 16 days of waiting. That is what $10 in shipping for 3-Day UPS Ground will get you. The only reason the company finally shipped it was because I asked them where my helmet was. The Lord of the Sith is most displeased with their apparent lack of vision.

Despite this minor setback, Holloween remains my favorite holiday. More than Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is the one day a year where people can be an extension of their persona. It is my belief that deep within people’s psyche lies a desire to be these characters most days of the week. Jobs, family, religion, society, et al dictate the need for structural and behavioral order. It makes it easier to interact when you know the rules of the game. Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain around your pastor/priest/minister. Don’t dress like a slob to a professional interview. Don’t greet your family the same way you would greet your college buddies at the bar. If these walls were nonexistant, how would you treat Darth Vader when he came in to renew his license? When he was displeased with how you cooked his eggs? When he was trying to return a sweater, which obviously did not come from this store? These costumes are extensions of our ego. The meek become strong, the insecure become sex symbols, and a transformation occurs. The people are no longer their former selves, but someone they internally desire to be for one day. Why can people not extend these traits from Holloween into their daily lives is a mystery.

What is Darth Vader an extension of? What inner desire is expressed by becoming the most powerful Jedi/Sith who ever lived? Despite pledging himself to darkness, destroying democracy, and liquidating entire races from the galaxy there was still good within him. Love would eventually become his undoing and reclaim him prior to death. His is an unnaturally dark tale of good conquering evil.

As I ask most people nowadays so too I implore unto you. Who will you be for Holloween?

The Hunger Strikes Back

Upon entry to the restaurant I put my hands around my belt buckle, stood up straight, breathed heavily and observed:

“This facility is crude, but it should be adequate to feed my hunger.”

The guy working the counter muttered under his breath something about Star Wars geeks just before plastering a faux smile across his face.

Ken’s Mactorium

Since I no longer am committed to slave like working conditions for the university I have found myself with ample amount of free time in which to engage in free enterprise. I used to buy and sell Apple iBooks three years ago but found little time to conduct business. With $250 in venture capital that I have set aside I am going to begin doing something I really enjoy instead of working a job. I am going to begin buying, repairing, and reselling G3/G4 iMacs and Powermacs. I’ve already snagged some inventory.

I choose Macs because even the eight year old G3 iMac I have runs OS X smoothly and acts as a media server. Hell, the 1989 Macintosh SE/30 I own still runs perfectly. The aftermarket value on Macs are higher than PCs with comparable specs. They still can be repurposed. So, Ken’s Mactorium, is open for business.