Category Archives: foto
A Welcoming Smile
Within a stonesthrow of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis is a collective of homeless people congregated on the shores of the Mississippi River.
Dennis is a homeless veteran living on the St. Louis shore of the Mississippi river. He was busy constructing a method to transport his tent should the river rise above flood stage. The whole setup was quite elaborate. Dennis said that he had been living there for quite a few years. It was clear that he is quite an intelligent and industrious man.
St. Louis in the Distance
International Harvester
This platform is perhaps 20 feet above the slaughtering floor. I dared not to venture out onto the aged wooden platform. The stairwell climb up was incredibly steep.
Armour transported the live animals to be slaughtered to the very top of the factory. The animals were immediately slaughtered, divided up, and sent through an elaborate network of transportation tubes throughout the plant. Various rooms throughout the plant appear to have a specific purpose, but are all connected via tubes, elevators, or cranes. This would also explain why the large refrigeration generators are at the base of the factory next to where the rail lines are.
Who Are You?
Drew and I made our way to the top of a rickety steel stairwell platform in the Armour plant. He then told me to turn around slowly. When I did, we were face to face with a wild owl. Drew calmly descended the stairs while I remained frozen in place.
My heart was racing as I slowly adjusted my camera to take this photo. This is what urbex is all about. There is always an inherent danger, but there is also the thrill of never knowing what you will discover. This owl was absolutely magnificent. I feel as though this photo does not do justice to its scale though. It was quite a large bird.