Lösung des Finanzierungsproblems

The Wechselkurs (exchange rate) to Euros from US dollars is miserable. For every Euro I pay about $1.35 and the rate is getting worse. This means everyday items like food, razors, rent, and what not are more expensive. On top of that both my bank and credit card like to charge an “International Fee” every time I take money out. Truth be told, I’m running out of money.

This leaves me with a few options. I can sell the goods I brought with me, but they would not fetch much or I still need them until the end of semester. I could get a job, but that would only be a pipe dream. The job market for foreign students staying until the end of July in a country plagued with Arbeitslösigkeit (unemployment) is almost non-existent. Prostitution is legal in Germany. I’m just saying is all.

Please, if you can donate a loaf a bread it would be much appreciated. That way I don’t have to spend my nights on the corner of Bahnhofstraße wondering whether or not my Lude (pimp) named Hanz Franz will come to smack me around. I don’t really look all that good in pantyhose either.


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