Category Archives: geek


Valleyschwag Issue #3!

I got my Valleyschwag issue #3 in the mail today! I gots me an MI6 laptop bag, a Jumpcut t-shirt, a fortune cookie, 7 cool stickers, and of course the Hoedown poster. Awthum! Perhaps my favorite item among the haul is the sticker. I can’t wait until next month.

Though technically not schwag related, I did get my free Ubuntu Live CD from France today. Hooray for free stuff!

Fortschritt von dieser Webseite

As you may or may not have noticed there has been subtle alterations to the layout of this page. The more I stare at PHP the more it makes sense. Gone are those dreaded angle double quotes (» and «). The header has been modified. There have also been some minor layout adjustments. WordPress deserves a shout out. More mods to come soon. Goodbye old school HTML. It’s been a fun ten years.

Network Neutrality and You

Let’s pretend that you pay for internet service just to view this website. Yes, I’m that interesting. You check up on my site daily, so much so that your internet provider (AT&T, Comcast, AOL Time Warner, et al) notice. So they call me up and say, “Hey Ken of We connect a lot of people to your free website. How about you pay us money. If you don’t we’ll slow your site down so that it takes a long time to load or we may even just block it. We’ll also charge your visitors more for their internet just for the privilege of seeing your content.” Large ISPs and Telcos are lobbying Congress to make this sort of extortion legal. It is happening to personal blogs, major businesses such as Google, small businesses too, and even political movement websites. STOP THEM.

Please take the time to call, email, anything to prevent a serious violation of our most valuable freedom, the Freedom of Speech. Information should remain free. It only takes two minutes of your time. There has been a huge grass roots movement behind this legislation. Please inform yourself by visiting one of the following sites. on Network Neutrality, Rocketboom on Network Neutrality,, and even the C.E.O of Google asks for your help.

I called Senator Feingold (D-WI) and Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI) with the help of? Even if you do not know what to say, they have a short script to help. Every bit helps.

Die anlagenexterne Festplatte ist kaputt!

My 120gb Firewire HD is giving me the clicks of death. I have been salvaging pirated movies years of work by burning to a pile of DVD-Rs. It has been frustrating since the drive likes to crap out and take Finder down with it. Western Digital has never failed me before, but now I’ll never buy from them again. Replacement external Dual Option Firewire/USB II Metal Gear Box II: $30. Seagate 250gb HD: $80.

Valleyschwag Issue #2!

I received a little burlap sack in the mail last Friday, but did not have time to open it due to my move out of Taylor Hall. Well, first off, what the hell is Valleyschwag? Valleyschwag is a monthly care-package-esque type of subscription service. For $15/month they will send you a burlap sack filled with goodies related to the interwebernet. Not everybody gets the same stuff, which adds to the suspense once received. Subscribers are even encouraged to post what they got on flickr. The first issue had 60 subscribers and the second 1500, with me signing up 5 minutes after reading about it. They are growing quick.

As soon as I opened my burlap sack Goatse (SFW link) stickers fell out. I am keeping this subscription forever. I was lucky enough to receive two t-shirts, one RubyRed Labs and one Gr?pthink, instead of the typical one. I also got some pins, some EFF stickers, a temporary tattoo, and a Songbird sticker. I can’t wait for the next issue. Keep it coming RubyRed Labs!


I saw X-Men : The Last Stand on opening day, but have been pokey with my response. It is by no means an intellectual movie. It does however capture the spirit of the comic books in that it is mostly unadultured action, has compelling plot twists, and so-bad-they’re-good one liners. If you examine the themes of the story (i.e. Magneto’s utilization of NSDAP rhetoric, Xavier’s ethical dilemma when creating the Pheonix, Beast’s insistance of using diplomacy to stand against will of the President, et al) you will appreciate the character’s interactions even more. It pays to pay attention in school. This movie brought me back to a childlike Saturday morning cartoon state as I caught myself almost yelling at the screen.

If for some reason you did not stay past the credit roll. You missed out on a little tidbit that will sweeten the movie just a little. If you have already seen the movie and don’t feel like shelling out $8 again, just follow this link.

Just for fun, if you remember the early 90’s Fox X-Men cartoon, here is the intro.