Category Archives: foto

Project Funding: American Urbex

The Living Room

Have you checked out my side project American Urbex? It is pretty cool (at least I think so). I’d like American Urbex to take off. In order for that to happen I need to get around the country and photography more abandoned buildings. Please help me offset the cost of transportation, lodging and food. There are incentives for those who contribute to this project. You can find fundraising information here at my IndieGoGo Project Page. Yes, major credit cards are accepted and it is secure. Thank you for your support!

Handheld Computing

My coworker Brent has a NEC MobilePro 900 that he uses on a regular basis. It runs Windows CE and connects to WiFi with a compact flash card. (He could plug the CF card in the front slot, but prefers to use a PCMCIA adapter to put it in the side.)

A few weeks ago he brought it to a tech conference in Green Bay. During the presentations he used it to VPN into his home computer, stream music, and do a host of other things.

The Y2K Family Survival Guide is a recent acquisition for him too. The book is a riot to read ten years after the fact. It even promotes teaching your children about the Bible in light of a Y2K disaster.