The similarities are stunning.
My man-crush is on Apple founder Steve Wozniak. I hear that Steve Jobs doesn’t like to cuddle.
Originally a broken Powerbook G4 purchased from a Craigslist listing for $15. A $6 cable and a few hours of tenacity brought this titanium beauty back to life. I just can’t stand letting one of these beauties of industrial design be relegated to the trash heap.
I’m hoping that it finds a new home through eBay. My Macintosh collection focuses on computers with the retro rainbow-colored Apple logo.
The PowerPC is dead. Long live PowerPC.
Software restore discs from the bygone G4 PowerPC Macintosh era. This software was for iBooks, iMacs, and Power Macintosh units. I was tasked with liquidating these discs. It is something I will regret to my very end of days.
Now that the entire Apple product line is Intel-based, PowerPC support has been summarily dropped from OS X. The PowerPC is dead. Long live PowerPC.
Retro Challenge 2009 is in full swing and I totally forgot to mention anything! I am participating by creating a blog with photos from my favorite 0.02 megapixel camera, the Game Boy Camera! Check out the retro goodness already in progress.